Back to School Giveaway Waitlist (Pick-Up Date TBD)
August 5, 2022
Our Back to School Giveaway event is currently full! Please RSVP below to get on the WAITLIST.
As parents and children prepare for the school year, 4Cs of Alameda County will be giving away backpacks for transitional kindergarteners/kindergarteners and for elementary school students, as well as books and other supplies to support learning and development.
Both our Hayward and Oakland Back to School Giveaways are currently full. You must RSVP below to be on the WAITLIST for backpacks that are not picked up. Each family is limited to two TK/K backpacks and two elementary school backpacks. We will contact you if a spot opens along with further details about pick-up. Note that the date listed on this event page is NOT accurate. The pick-up date and location for backpacks are still TO BE DETERMINED.