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4Cs of Alameda County offers free car seat installation checks from a licensed Child Passenger Safety Technician by appointment only. Please fill out the contact request form below to contact our staff to arrange an appointment.

Please Note:
  • Appointments are typically available between 9:30am and 3pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays only.
  • 4Cs of Alameda County does not have free car seats or car seats for purchase at this time. If you are looking for support with obtaining a low-cost seat, please contact Safe Kids Alameda County.
What To Bring
  1. Car seat(s) and base(s) (if applicable)
  2. Car seat manuals
  3. Car or cars that will be primary mode(s) of transportation for your child(ren)
  4. (Optional) Additional adults who will be transporting your child
  5. (Optional) Child who will be using the installed car seats
What To Expect
  • All car seat checks are performed at our Main Hayward Office in the parking lot or structure (weather-dependent) at the corner of Foothill Boulevard and City Center Drive in Hayward
  • Set aside about 30 minutes for one car seat installation check (more time may be needed for additional seats)
  • The car seat tech will educate you about car seat use, laws, and best practices and walk you through every step of a safe installation.
  • Children are welcome, however it is highly encouraged that you bring a second adult to supervise children that may need adult supervision.
  • Use of all car seats/child passengers present will addressed during the appointment.
Car Seat Information
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