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Event Series 4Cs Play & Learn Playgroup

Play & Learn Playgroup

4Cs of Alameda County, Hayward Office 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

Are you a Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Family Friend or Neighbor? Join us for a morning of fun, activity, story time, and movement for children ages 3-5 years and their caregivers* (Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Family, Friend, or Neighbor). Participants will receive materials, incentives and might be eligible to receive a stipend. Join us for one or all of the sessions in this 6-week series. If you have questions, contact [email protected] or (510) 736-2797. Sessions are on Fridays, October 4th - November 8th.

Event Series HPN Academia Promesa para Padres

HPN Academia Promesa Para Padres

Virtual Event

Reúnase con otros padres de su comunidad para compartir como criar niños sanos y felices de 0 a 8 años. Aprende las diferentes etapas de tus hijos con el currículo Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors. ¡Gane una tarjeta de regalo al finalizar las sesiones! Se proporcionarán los materiales necesarios para la clase.

Lo Básico de un Contrato y Políticas (2 Partes)

Virtual Event

Parte 1: 11/4/24, 7pm-9pm  Parte 2: 11/14/24, 7pm-9pm  Esta formación se tratará de:  Identificando la filosofía de su programa  Redactando la Guía para padres  Redactando su contrato y sus  formularios …

HPN Toddler Play and Learn – Juega Y Aprende de HPN

4Cs of Alameda County, Hayward Office 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

For children ages 18 months to 4 years old, as well as their parents or caregivers residing in the Downtown Hayward neighborhood, this free program is guided in both English and Spanish, featuring activities to support early childhood social, physical, and emotional development.

Para niños de 18 meses a 4 años y para sus padres o cuidadores que residen en el vecindario del centro de Hayward, este programa gratuito está guiado en inglés y español y presenta actividades para apoyar el desarrollo social, físico y emocional de la primera infancia.

Café Para Padres: Abogacía Parental

Virtual Event

¡Únase a nuestro café para padres/madres mientras hablamos de los éxitos y desafíos de la crianza de los hijos y nos apoyamos mutuamente compartiendo consejos sobre la abogacía parental!

HPN Toddler Play and Learn – Juega Y Aprende de HPN

4Cs of Alameda County, Hayward Office 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

For children ages 18 months to 4 years old, as well as their parents or caregivers residing in the Downtown Hayward neighborhood, this free program is guided in both English and Spanish, featuring activities to support early childhood social, physical, and emotional development.

Para niños de 18 meses a 4 años y para sus padres o cuidadores que residen en el vecindario del centro de Hayward, este programa gratuito está guiado en inglés y español y presenta actividades para apoyar el desarrollo social, físico y emocional de la primera infancia.

Event Series Monthly Food Distribution

Food Distribution

4Cs of Alameda County, Garage 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

Come shop for a variety of food on the first Thursday of every month from 1pm-3pm at our Hayward Office Garage. We will have dry goods and staples such as beans, rice, peanut butter, canned fruits, and vegetables available for you to take, as well as nutrition information and meal-planning ideas. Due to safety and limited supply pre-registration is required!

Event Series 4Cs Play & Learn Playgroup

Play & Learn Playgroup

4Cs of Alameda County, Hayward Office 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

Are you a Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Family Friend or Neighbor? Join us for a morning of fun, activity, story time, and movement for children ages 3-5 years and their caregivers* (Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Family, Friend, or Neighbor). Participants will receive materials, incentives and might be eligible to receive a stipend. Join us for one or all of the sessions in this 6-week series. If you have questions, contact [email protected] or (510) 736-2797. Sessions are on Fridays, October 4th - November 8th.

CPR/FA for Child Care Providers November 9th, 2024 (In Person)

4Cs of Alameda County, Hayward Office 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

This curriculum is used to train child care providers who are new to the field or experienced early care and education professionals who are taking the course to refresh their…

Practicas informadas por el trauma en la educación temprana (Entrenamiento de 2 partes)

Virtual Event

Esta sesión cubrirá los efectos de diversas formas de trauma y estrés tóxico en la infancia temprana, el desarrollo del cerebro de los niños en los primeros cinco años y el impacto del estrés traumático en el cerebro y el desarrollo general de los niños. Serie de 2 sesiones, diseñada especialmente para las proveedoras de cuidado infantil. Debe participar en Trauma 100 para poder participar en Trauma 200 .

Event Series HPN Play and Learn – Juega Y Aprende de HPN

HPN Toddler Play and Learn – Juega Y Aprende de HPN

4Cs of Alameda County, Hayward Office 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

For children ages 18 months to 4 years old, as well as their parents or caregivers residing in the Downtown Hayward neighborhood, this free program is guided in both English and Spanish, featuring activities to support early childhood social, physical, and emotional development.

Para niños de 18 meses a 4 años y para sus padres o cuidadores que residen en el vecindario del centro de Hayward, este programa gratuito está guiado en inglés y español y presenta actividades para apoyar el desarrollo social, físico y emocional de la primera infancia.

Cuestionario de Edades y Etapas: Socio-Emocional (ASQ: SE-2)

Virtual Event

Estas capacitaciones le ayudarán a entender cómo usar ASQ: SE-2, una herramienta de valoración del desarrollo completadas por los padres, usadas para identificar las fortalezas y necesidades de desarrollo de…

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