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Event Series Black Fatherhood Series

Black Fatherhood Series

Virtual Event

Connect with other dads in our Black Fatherhood Series facilitated by Dr. Khalid White, CEO of BLKMPWR, Father, Author & Film Maker. The series consists of 6 virtual sessions, including guest speakers and community resources. We will meet twice weekly (Wednesdays & Fridays) from May 1-June 5, 2024 at 6pm-7:30pm. Series is for fathers and father figures who identify as Black with children ages 0-8 and live in Alameda County. We will discuss the following topics: Money & Finances, Race & Racism, Jobs & Career, Relationships & Family, Health & Wellness, Trials & Tribulations. Raffle given every Friday (must be present to win). All participants will receive a $100 gift card at completion of series!


Virtual Event

體能遊戲是幼兒發展的重要部分。這個培訓專注於幼兒會產生動力去學習和練習的動作和感知運動技能。在成人的支持下,這些技能為終身健康和福祉奠定基礎。以下領域將在家庭托兒的背景下進行討論,這些領域來自加州學前學習基礎。此5個小時的培訓由4Cs與Family Child Care at Its Best (FCCB) 共同合作提供。只限25個名額。    你將學到:  基本運動技能,如平衡   知覺運動技能,如空間意識   活要肢體的體能遊戲,戶外和室內    報名截止至2025年4月24日  報名成功者將在上課前一天收到Zoom的上課鏈接。   

Practicas informadas por el trauma en la educación temprana (Entrenamiento de 4 partes)

Virtual Event

Esta sesión cubrirá los efectos de diversas formas de trauma y estrés tóxico en la infancia temprana, el desarrollo del cerebro de los niños en los primeros cinco años y el impacto del estrés traumático en el cerebro y el desarrollo general de los niños. Serie de 4 sesiones, diseñada especialmente para las proveedoras de cuidado infantil. Debe participar en las 2 partes de Trauma 100 para poder participar en las 2 partes de Trauma 200 .

The Art of Responsive Caregiving for Infants and Toddlers

Virtual Event

In this virtual training we will discuss physical/sensory-motor, social-emotional, and cognitive/language development of prenatal throughout the first three years of life. The training will emphasize the importance of brain development, environmental factors, and responsive caregiving practices. Brain development research and major developmental theories will be highlighted and discussed.    Learn the basics of infant brain development and…

Food Distribution

4Cs of Alameda County, Garage 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

Come shop for a variety of food on the first Thursday of every month from 1pm-3pm at our Hayward Office Garage. We will have dry goods and staples such as beans, rice, peanut butter, canned fruits, and vegetables available for you to take, as well as nutrition information and meal-planning ideas. Due to safety and limited supply pre-registration is required!

Event Series Black Fatherhood Series

Black Fatherhood Series

Virtual Event

Connect with other dads in our Black Fatherhood Series facilitated by Dr. Khalid White, CEO of BLKMPWR, Father, Author & Film Maker. The series consists of 6 virtual sessions, including guest speakers and community resources. We will meet twice weekly (Wednesdays & Fridays) from May 1-June 5, 2024 at 6pm-7:30pm. Series is for fathers and father figures who identify as Black with children ages 0-8 and live in Alameda County. We will discuss the following topics: Money & Finances, Race & Racism, Jobs & Career, Relationships & Family, Health & Wellness, Trials & Tribulations. Raffle given every Friday (must be present to win). All participants will receive a $100 gift card at completion of series!

Preventative Health Practice for Child Care Providers May 3rd, 2025 (In Person Class)

4Cs of Alameda County, Hayward Office 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

Module 1- Prevention of Infectious Diseases Module 2- Injury Prevention Module 3- Nutrition The curriculum is used to train child care providers who are new to the field or experienced early care and education professionals who are taking the course to update their knowledge and make sure they are up to date. This course provides…

Practicas informadas por el trauma en la educación temprana (Entrenamiento de 4 partes)

Virtual Event

Esta sesión cubrirá los efectos de diversas formas de trauma y estrés tóxico en la infancia temprana, el desarrollo del cerebro de los niños en los primeros cinco años y el impacto del estrés traumático en el cerebro y el desarrollo general de los niños. Serie de 4 sesiones, diseñada especialmente para las proveedoras de cuidado infantil. Debe participar en las 2 partes de Trauma 100 para poder participar en las 2 partes de Trauma 200 .

Event Series Black Fatherhood Series

Black Fatherhood Series

Virtual Event

Connect with other dads in our Black Fatherhood Series facilitated by Dr. Khalid White, CEO of BLKMPWR, Father, Author & Film Maker. The series consists of 6 virtual sessions, including guest speakers and community resources. We will meet twice weekly (Wednesdays & Fridays) from May 1-June 5, 2024 at 6pm-7:30pm. Series is for fathers and father figures who identify as Black with children ages 0-8 and live in Alameda County. We will discuss the following topics: Money & Finances, Race & Racism, Jobs & Career, Relationships & Family, Health & Wellness, Trials & Tribulations. Raffle given every Friday (must be present to win). All participants will receive a $100 gift card at completion of series!


Virtual Event

教師與兒童的互動對於支持兒童的社交、情感和認知發展至關重要,有助於建立積極的學習態度和良好的師生關係。這項培訓將使教師掌握有效的互動策略,設立支持和充滿活力的學習環境,通過有意義的交流和積極參與,促進正面的的師生關係和兒童發展。 你將學到: 發展有效的師生互動策略。 提升與兒童溝通的技巧。 創造支持性的教室環境。 促進積極參與和參與度。   報名截止至2025年5月8日 報名成功者將在上課前一天收到Zoom的上課鏈接。  

Event Series Monthly Food Distribution

Food Distribution

4Cs of Alameda County, Garage 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

Come shop for a variety of food on the first Thursday of every month from 1pm-3pm at our Hayward Office Garage. We will have dry goods and staples such as beans, rice, peanut butter, canned fruits, and vegetables available for you to take, as well as nutrition information and meal-planning ideas. Due to safety and limited supply pre-registration is required!

CPR/ FA for Child Care Providers June 21st, 2025 (In Person Class)

4Cs of Alameda County, Hayward Office 22351 City Center Drive, Hayward, CA, United States

This curriculum is used to train child care providers who are new to the field or experienced early care and education professionals who are taking the course to refresh their knowledge and keep their certification current. This training curriculum provides the eight hours of EMSA approved CPR/First Aid training required to obtain a child care…

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