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THRIVE! Middle school parenting: The highs and lows | ¡PROSPERE! Ser padre de hijos de escuela secundaria: Altibajos

Virtual Event

Middle school parenting; The highs and lows. Middle school is an exciting time for a child and for the parents. Middle school students are on their way to becoming independent, developing their own interests, and preparing for high school and beyond. Here's what you should know about today's middle school kids, and what you can expect during these transitional years. Here's how to help your future middle schooler understand what the experience might be like, and the BIG ways middle school will be different from elementary school.
Ser padre de hijos de escuela secundaria: Altibajos. La escuela secundaria es una época emocionante para el niño y para los padres. Los alumnos de secundaria están en vías de independizarse, desarrollar sus propios intereses y prepararse para el instituto y más allá. Esto es lo que debes saber sobre los alumnos de secundaria de hoy en día y lo que puedes esperar durante estos años de transición. A continuación, le explicamos cómo ayudar a su futuro hijo a entender cómo será la experiencia y las GRANDES diferencias entre la escuela media y la primaria.

THRIVE! Your Teen And Social Media: How Plugged In Are They? | ¡PROSPERE! Su adolescente y las redes sociales: ¿Qué tan conectados están?

Virtual Event

Your Teen And Social Media: How Plugged In Are They?Most teens use some form of social media and have a profile on a social networking site. Many visit these sites every day. There are plenty of good things about social media — but also many risks and things kids and teens should avoid. They don't always make good choices when they post something to a site, and this can lead to problems. So it's important to talk with your kids about how to use social media wisely. Get some recommendations on how to best teach your children how to safely use the resources social media platforms provide.
Su adolescente y las redes sociales: ¿Qué tan conectados están?La mayoría de los adolescentes usan algún tipo de red social y tienen un perfil en un sitio de redes sociales. Muchos visitan estos sitios todos los días. Hay muchas cosas buenas acerca de las redes sociales, pero también muchos riesgos y cosas que los niños y adolescentes deben evitar. No siempre toman buenas decisiones cuando publican algo en un sitio, y esto puede generar problemas. Por lo tanto, es importante hablar con sus hijos sobre cómo usar las redes sociales de manera inteligente. Obtenga algunas recomendaciones sobre cómo enseñar mejor a sus hijos cómo usar de manera segura los recursos que brindan las plataformas de redes sociales.

THRIVE! Tips For Successful Co-Parenting in Blended Families | ¡PROSPERE! Consejos Para Una crianza Exitosa en Familias Mezcladas

Virtual Event

Tips For Successful Co-Parenting in Blended Families. If parenting in nuclear families is difficult (and it is), imagine co-parenting in blended families! Custodial transitions, different parenting styles, scheduling with the other biological parents, and combining family values leads to a completely foreign landscape! For parents and stepparents the challenges seem insurmountable. But having realistic expectations can lower stress, allowing you to move toward successful integration.  And how you handle delicate situations can have a profound impact on the happiness of everyone. Learn some co-parenting tips for blended families.
Consejos Para Una crianza Exitosa en Familias Mezcladas. Si la crianza de los hijos en familias nucleares es difícil (y lo es), ¡imagínese la crianza compartida en familias mixtas! ¡Las transiciones de custodia, los diferentes estilos de crianza, la programación con los otros padres biológicos y la combinación de valores familiares conducen a un paisaje completamente extraño! Para los padres y padrastros, los desafíos parecen insuperables. Pero tener expectativas realistas puede reducir el estrés, permitiéndole avanzar hacia una integración exitosa. Y cómo manejas las situaciones delicadas puede tener un profundo impacto en la felicidad de todos. Aprenda algunos consejos de crianza compartida para familias mixtas.

THRIVE! Financial Bucket List to Teach Your Children Before They Become 25

Virtual Event

Financial Bucket List to Teach Your Children Before They Become 25. If you could write a letter to your younger self, what financial advice would you give? Hindsight is 20/20. And that's especially true when it comes to personal finance. If only we had a way to give advice to our younger selves on all of our hard-learned financial lessons. But since we can’t save ourselves, we can save our children. This workshop will give you simple financial tools to teach your children so they can live their best financial life possible.

THRIVE! Help Me Get All T.H.I.S. Together. (T.H.I.S-Time management. Happiness. Inner peace. Self-care.)

Virtual Event

Help Me Get All T.H.I.S. Together. (T.H.I.S-Time management. Happiness. Inner peace. Self-care.)  Organizational strategies are essential for managing a family. A healthy and realistic goal is not to become super-organized, but simply to make work and home life more manageable. Those ever-present feelings of being overwhelmed and exhausted come because there seems to be a barrier that keeps us from taking T.H.I.S. seriously. We are complicated creatures when it comes to doing what we know to be good, especially good for ourselves. This workshop will challenge you to make some changes to get all T.H.I.S together in your life.

THRIVE! Positive Self-Talk For Every Age in The Family.

Virtual Event

Positive Self-Talk For Every Age in The Family.  Each of us has a set of messages that play over and over in our minds. This internal dialogue, or personal commentary, frames our reactions to life and its circumstances. One of the ways to recognize, promote, and sustain optimism, hope, and joy is to intentionally fill our thoughts with positive self-talk. Parents can help kids (and themselves) cope with negative thoughts and feelings by teaching them how to engage in positive self-talk. While it is still important to recognize negative thoughts and feelings and not attempt to erase them, we can also learn how to reframe our thinking and focus on our strengths or the lessons we have learned from challenges.

THRIVE! Parenting While Pursuing Your Personal Dreams.

Virtual Event

Parenting While Pursuing Your Personal Dreams. Pursuing your dreams AND raising a family? More kids = less time to most people, and that is 100% true! But, although it is inevitable that you may need to slow down to some extent, it’s important that you always, always, always keep pursuing that dream. Not convinced you have what it takes? My tips (from one busy parent to another) should help guide you to the life of family-dream balance you deserve.

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